Capturing Time
Fresh Projects has first-of-a-kind closed loop timesheet functionality that includes the following unique features:
The Project Manager can quickly see on a weekly basis if any of his planned projects have issues as the employee's Estimate to Complete feedback will be highlighted in red if it exceed his planned allowance. The Project Manager can also see at a glance what his total planned vs actual hours are for the specific employee and project.
Any time captured to Overheads is sent the the employee's Line Manager for approval:
For both Project Time and Overhead time the approver can click on the tick button to approve or the cross button to reject the timesheet entry. If an entry is rejected, an optional reason for the rejection can be provided that the employee will see when he reviews his rejected timesheet.
Only approved time will be costed and allocated to the Project's Actual Costs.
Read on for the final entry on Monitoring and Adjusting the Plan
- If an employee has been planned on a specific project, his timesheet will automatically be populated with that project. Furthermore each project has a traffic light indicator that shows the employee what projects are fee earning (green) and which ones are not (orange). This provides a simple yet direct method for your employees to know what projects they should be working on at any given time.
- The timesheet also spells out to the employee exactly how many hours have been budgeted for him to perform the specific sub-project, phase or work package. The Total Actual and Remaining Planned hours automatically adjust as the employee captures his time - giving instantaneous feedback to him on how much time is left for him to complete the task.
- Employees can optionally provide feedback to the project manager as they complete their timesheet as to their own estimation of task completion by adjusting the Estimate % Complete field. Once again, instant feedback is provided by the conditional colour formatting when the employee's estimates either exceed (red) or are less than (green) the budgeted amount of hours.
- Fresh Projects follows is singularly focused on ensuring that you are able to get the most accurate picture of how your projects are performing. We therefore intentionally do not prevent any employee form capturing time on any project - even if they were not planned as a resource for that project. This is to avoid cases of employees who might have been pulled in to help for a few hours on a project rather capturing time to the wrong project than having to go through the administrative burden of getting themselves added to that project. Employees can therefore add any other projects, including overheads, to the timesheet :
- As the employee fills out his timesheet the Direct Time Indicator updates in real time to give instant feedback on his achieved utilisation :
Approving Time
All hours captured to a specific project are sent to the Project Manager of that project for approval:The Project Manager can quickly see on a weekly basis if any of his planned projects have issues as the employee's Estimate to Complete feedback will be highlighted in red if it exceed his planned allowance. The Project Manager can also see at a glance what his total planned vs actual hours are for the specific employee and project.
Any time captured to Overheads is sent the the employee's Line Manager for approval:
For both Project Time and Overhead time the approver can click on the tick button to approve or the cross button to reject the timesheet entry. If an entry is rejected, an optional reason for the rejection can be provided that the employee will see when he reviews his rejected timesheet.
Only approved time will be costed and allocated to the Project's Actual Costs.
Read on for the final entry on Monitoring and Adjusting the Plan